I finally have a working computer!! Yeah!! Bella turned 4 on the 31st. I can't believe she is already 4. I feel like it wasn't that long ago that she was born. She has been doing so much growing up lately. She is a great big sister and a great little sister. :-) We had such a fun time celebrating her birth.
At our house on her actual birthday.
Check out my brother in this one. Dork!
Pinnate fun.

The birthday girl opening her gifts. We didn't get many pics. Mady took most of the ones we did get.
OMG!!! I can't believe Bells is 4 already, where does the time go? I can't believe how fast they grow up :( And I love Mady's hair, supper cute. I'm excited to see you when you come down to SD. We still need to come up w/ some plans.
wow, 4!!
Happy Birthday, Sweet Bella!
yay for bella! oh and i like your new blogger background - so cute. call me when you get home...
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