Two weeks ago Jourdan and I decided to surprise the kids and take them to Disneyland. And by surprise I mean get in the car SURPRISE we are going to Disneyland!! This was the first time in years we had gone with just the 5 of us. In the past we either brought my mom or Jourdan's mom or Uncle Brent or we would meet up with our southern California family. We had so much fun the 5 of us. The weather was great and the crowds were ok. We did participate in the Disney give a day get a day so we were able to get special fast passes for the rides with long lines. It was well worth volunteering to save most likely hours in line. :)

This was Mady's shocked face. Notice Bella not looking very happy well she was under the impression we were going to the Zoo and was not happy (at first) to find out we would not be going to the Zoo. ;)

The restaurant in New Orleans square has some of the best food.

Ewan LOVED the train! I mean LOVED it! Both Casey junior and the big one that goes around the park. :)

He's pretty in love with Buzz also.