Reading: East of Eden by John Steinbeck
Enjoying: Mommy time with the kids.
Learning: Just how different boys are from girls. I know I have said it many times but the things this boy pulls on me the girls never would have dreamed of doing.
Watching: Well tonight it will be last nights episode of Mad Men. I am loving that show.
Anticipating: Hmmmm. Ok this sounds nuts, Christmas. I love the time of year. It will definitely be a different Christmas for us this year with Jourdan out of town for the month but I will still enjoy it with the kids. Maybe we can even watch National Lampoons Christmas Vacation together over ichat???
Realizing: How blessed I am to have such a great husband. Even though I give him a rough time for spending so much time away working right now, I know he is trying his hardest for our family.
Pondering: Hmmmm........
Studying: Ruth and Esther and really enjoying it.
Wondering: How bed time will go tonight. If the kids will freak out or go to bed easily.
Remembering: Not much..... my brain is kind of frazzled at this time of day. :)
Praying: That our family stays healthy and that everything works out well for Jourdan's movie. :)
:) K