Thursday, May 29, 2008

A night in Old Roseville

We had a good time last friday going to Old Roseville. It was great seeing our old neighborhood. The girls had a great time dancing and getting face paintings. We also had some great pizza at a new restaurant Basic. 

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Jourdan's Birthday

Better Late then never! 

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

New House

So yes we moved in about 3 months ago but I am just now taking pics of the house. I am starting with the outside but will give you an idea of what the inside looks like, white walls with kid toys and crap everywhere. 


Why do kids do this kind of stuff? Today while Mady was at school Bella thought it would be a good idea to smear butt paste all over her bathroom. Why?  she said " the bathroom had a rash" What you can't see is the butt paste is all over the tooth brushes, toilet, and sippy cups. ( why there is a sippy cup in the bathroom, I have no idea) I really need to have 12 arms and at least 6 eyes. I am just not used to this big house. I can't hear anything going on upstairs. 


Wordless Wednesday

my little man

Friday, May 16, 2008

Recycled toys!

The other day the girls found my old barbies and they had a great time playing with them! Who knew the 80's were so cool?

Switched at Birth????

OK so I know he looks just like Jourdan in this picture and I am only joking about the switched at birth, but this little boy is so different than my girls!! Since he has started sleeping through the night he thinks 5:50 AM is a good time to wake up for the day where as the girls will sleep well past 7:30 and most of the time Bella will sleep until after 8.  The girls also start off every meal by saying "how much do we HAVE to eat" and last night Ewan ate TWO jars of food for dinner (1) stage 1 and (1) stage 2. The girls NEVER ate that much as babies. I don't think Bella eats that much now. : ) He also hardly ever cries. We all know how the girls were (are) with there crying. :(  Oh and the whole blond hair and blue eyes????  It is just crazy to me that my third child can be so different than the first 2. I am sure the older he gets I will start to see some more similarities. 

Monday, May 5, 2008

Teagan's Birthday Party

On sunday the girls and I went to Bella's Best friend Teagan's 3rd Birthday. They both loved the princess party. Bella now wants a pink princess cake for her Birthday. 

Sorry for the sideways pics!! 

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Trip to the Zoo

Bella spent most of the day mad.
Mady and her best friend Brielle. 

A Few weeks ago we went to the Sacramento zoo with Mady's school.  The kids had a blast.